Monday, August 28, 2006

Have you ever been in a room and you swear that you could reach up and touch God? Like He is right there with you, sitting beside you or swirling around you? I felt that yesterday at church. If my eyes hadn't been so full of tears, I think that I could have seen God's face.... actually I take that back. I did see the face of God, reflecting in the faces of all the people there. His Spirit touched every person in that room, I know it did. Not only because it was Bernie's last Sunday before leaving for 2 months but because we opened our hearts and God's presence came in. I was overwhelmed with the out pouring of prayers for my brother, the tears that were shed and the hugs that were given. He left this morning on the wings of an angel and I am so thankful for all the prayers that got him there. If you know Bernie then you know that he is a special man with a heart that loves and the gift of humor. The devil had a very firm hold on him but yesterday I saw his grip loosen. I saw the proof running down Bernie's face in the form of tears. I know that before Bernie was even born that God had a plan for his life and that this was part of it. Prayer changes people not the situation. I am truly amazed at the change in so many people because they have been praying for Bernie. I know that I have grown in my faith because of this. I am a witness to the awesome power of prayer and I will continue to lift Bernie up in prayer along with so many other people in my life.


Angie said...
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Angie said...

I feel the exact same way! Yesterday was amazing! I am so glad that I went and was there for Bernie. 2 months are gonna fly by, that ain't nothin'! *grin*

Sandy said...

You touch the part of my heart that I only let certain people get to. (And by that, I mean you are special!) You also know how to make me smile and how to make me cry like a baby! I was so touched yesterday at church. It was an awesome sight to see! Thank God for that! And thank everyone who prayed for Bernie!

Anonymous said...

God was certainly tangible yesterday. I am so glad that I was able to be apart of such a spiritual event. Prayers were answered loudly. God is awesome.