Saturday, September 30, 2006

Today I woke up feeling very sad. I know that I should be so excited because Mason and I are going to Florida this morning. I am excited but I am leaving a huge part of my heart here. Brett has been on trips for work that lasted a week and Mason and I survived that. But this is the first time that Mason and I are going to be away from home for 7 days. As I am sitting here blogging, I have that feeling in my throat you get before the tears come. But of course, I won't cry because then Mason will cry. He is also really torn between staying with his daddy or going with his mommy. I had no idea that going to Florida without Brett would be so hard. Brett and I need to plan our own family vacation. If he could just get off work. That's seems to be the hard part.

On a lighter note, the sun is just now lighting up the sky because I have been up since 6am doing some last minute packing. I'm still searching for the air mattress. Anyone seen it?

Alright, I am going to close for now. I will be in a van with four kids for over 4 hours..... I may need a tranquilizer!!


Jessica said...

I know exactly how you feel. I don't know how military wives do it! I hope you have a good time, I know you will.

Sandy said...

Well I am sad because Iwill miss ya'll. Hurry back!

Anonymous said...

Im jealous! I will go with you...but I do know how you feel! I could never do it! Have fun though!

Anonymous said...

You are going to have a blast!! I know a little secret that is going to make your trip unforgetable. I can say that now that you are gone and your secret was revealed today!! Hope you enjoyed it.

Luv ya,
BrooK :)

Amy Ploss said...

I miss you guys already! Hurry up and come home. I miss having you at the house to hang out!
Love you!