Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Boys Will Be Boys

This afternoon, Sandy came over with Noah. Mason and Noah have become good friends. Then Robert and Wes came over to play. So, Sandy and I had our hands full with four boys. They played on the swing set, played baseball (with Sandy as the pitcher), played basketball, ate Lunchables, and just ran around and had fun! Of course, Mason stepped in dog poop but besides that, it was fun for the boys.

Right now, Robert, Wes and Mason are in the next room taking turning sitting on a whoopie cushion. They are all giggling. I can hear Mason now saying, "Robert, you pooted!" Wes just said, "Hey! It's my turn to poot! I wanna poot, too!" They are cracking me up!

This week, Mason class is learning about the letter A. Every day this week, he has to take something to school that starts with the letter A. Today we caught a frog and named him Alfie the Amphibian. Mason was very proud to stand in front of his class and talk about his frog. He also said that he told his teacher that he was going to bring an acorn to school tomorrow and that it would probably hatch. Guess what he told her would come out? A frog!


Sandy said...

I'm so glad they had fun! Noah doesn't get to play with kids his own age excpet for at school! Hey, maybe one they really will be cousins..... Let's don't put the wagon in front of the horse.... or whatever... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sandy, you beat me to it! They look like cousins, don't they? So when the frog egg falls out of the oak tree and hits you on the head, are you going to say ribbit!