Friday, September 01, 2006

Calgon.... Take Me Away!

Ever feel like that? That is how I am feeling this afternoon. Brett went to the doctor today and found out that he has strep throat. Good thing he went , huh? He got some seriously big horse pills and is already feeling better....although he is taking Motrin 800's and seems a little bit daze. I picked Mason up from school and he has been a turdhead ever since. If you have kids, you will be able to relate to this. He wanted a snack but couldn't decide which one... so he screamed. He got mad because the car on his race track wouldn't go all the way around.... more screaming. I told him to leave his daddy alone because he was trying to sleep.... yeap... more screaming! I had to put him in his room and close the door because I was about to lose my cool. I know that I can't expect perfect behavior because Mason is so young. I jinxed myself because I just told Ivette that other day that Mason had been an angel. Wonder where that angel went? Anyone seen him?


Sandy said...

Oh now Mom... you know he's an Angel! When they are sleeping.... LOL!
After the last two weeks, I think I am going to buy stock in Calgon. I am exhausted!

Laura said...

Mason is probably needing some extra down time since he has been going to school full time for the last few weeks. Tell Brett to make sure he takes ALL of his medicine the Dr. gave him for strp throat because Konnor has a friend who recently had strep, quit taking his pills when he felt better, and then the strp went to his brain and he is in a wheel chair now and at a 3 year old mentality. It all happened in like a week or two time frame. Anwyay, they say he will get better, but it could take up to a year... Scary stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Lori! Look at that face...he is such an angel! HAHA!!

I am wishing for times like that! I need this baby to pop out NOW~

Anonymous said...

He looks like an angel to me in that picture (LOL)