Thursday, September 28, 2006


The final countdown has begun for our vacation. Mason and I are leaving Saturday morning with Angie and her kids to go to Florida for 7 days. I am really excited and so is Mason. The only thing that would make our vacation complete is for Brett to be able to go. He has to work and can't seem to find a way to wiggle out of it. When he first told me that he couldn't go, I thought that he would find a way. We are getting down to the wire and he is really not going. Bummer, huh? This vacation week is the only week of the entire year that we are all together as a family with no work, not softball, no doggie obligations and no alarm clock. But I will go with Mason and enjoy the time with him, Angie and her kids. We don't do anything except eat, sleep, lay around the pool and play the occasional game of bingo. My favorite night is when a DJ comes and sets up on the pool deck, which overlooks the ocean. We act silly and dance for a few hours. It's so fun! Of course, this year Angie and I are taking our new bod's, so watch out Florida!!!

Angie and I are both getting a souvenir while we are there..... a tattoo. We both already have one but we're getting another! We are both getting the palmetto and moon from the SC flag. My problem is which color. At first I thought pink but I'm afraid that pink won't show up really good on my skin, especially if I have a tan.... which I will when I get back from Florida! So, help me out!!! Give me some suggestions for colors. Angie is getting hers in navy blue but I think that I want something a little different. Any ideas?


Laura said...

I can't believe you have a tattoo and you are getting another one! WOW! That is SO NOT the Lori I used to know, LOL! Maybe you should go with Hot pink! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Deep Purple would look good. It would be dark enough and would still be feminine. If you really like the pink, maybe they can outline it in white or a pretty green. Just some ideas. Hope they help.

Sandy said...

Still not too late to pack me in your suitcase.... I hope ya'll have a great time! I sure will miss ya!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Brook and the deep purple. That would go good with your tan.

Jessica said...

Purple would look good as long as they dont make it too dark, it may look black. what about teal, or a wine color? Just a thought...

Carla said...

I was also thinkin' about purple, but jessica's idea was great, teal sounds nice. Hope you both have a great time in FL, and be thinkin' about us fellow flip-floppers here in Beaufort!!!

Angie said...

Hey guess what?......
I can't wait, I am more excited about the tattoo thing though! But we will have fun no matter what, especially with no guys to HAVE to answer to.
I can't believe Mom told you to go dark purple, so cool!

We're going on vacation, we're going on vacation, we're going on vacation!

All of ya'll can come with us if you want too. Thta would be so much fun! But remember our cruise when we all hit goal weight! What a blast!