Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Letter To Mason

Today, 4 years ago, was my due date with Mason. I was large and in charge and sooooo ready to have him. This week I am going to share things about my pregnancy and the week leading up to Mason's birth. Today I going to share a letter with you that I wrote to Mason right before he was born. I put it in his baby book for him to read when he is older. Here goes...
Dear Mason,
You aren't born yet and you won't be able to read this letter for years but one day you can look back and know that I have loved you from the moment that you were conceived. I'm sure that I will be overcome with love for you once you are here. I have such great dreams and hopes for you. I promise to help you achieve anything that you dream of.
Although I'm sure that our lives will change once you are born, I now can't imagine my life without you in it. You are my heart and soul. You will be the twinkle in my eye.
Since I found out that I was pregnant, I have talk to you. If I talk for a few minutes, I swear that you start some serious kicking. You have definitely kicked your way into my heart. That is were you will stay forever.
I will always be here for you... even when you are a teenager and try to ignore your crazy mom. I can't wait to meet you sweet boy.
I love you always,


Angie said...

I am so crying right now. (and of course I just put on my mascara) That is so sweet! I am so proud of you and Brett. Mason is such a great kid. Keep up the good work! I love you!

CJ said...

Wow, what a beautiful tribute to pass on to your son! What touching words. Thank you for sharing this with us. I write letters to my kids all the time. As a matter of fact, I think I'm due to post a few on our family site. Thank you for reminding me!

Anonymous said...

So much for getting up early, showering and putting on my make-up before reading the blogs! That was a beautiful letter to Mason!
Love you, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Wow that even made me cry and I hardly ever cry, yeah right!
I did the same thing when I was pregnant with McKenzie and you have inspired me to pull it out and read it to her...I am sure I will go through a whole box of Klennex. Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

OK lori--not a good thing for a past due prego woman to be reading. now you have me crying, and wanting her here even more! such a sweet letter!

Laura said...

Ahhh! You are such a wonderful mother.