Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Now back to blogging.....

After being gone for over a week, it is so hard to get back into the swing of things. We had an amazing time in Florida. The kids were as good as they could be staying in one room. Angie and I really had a good time talking and laying out by the pool. When we are at home, we don't get much time to just hang out.... it was almost the best part of the trip. Want to know what the best part of vacation was? Brett surprised me and came down on Monday. He called my cell phone from the lobby of our hotel and told me that he was going to a meeting for work. I looked up and there he was! I caused a commotion around the pool! He only got to stay until Wednesday but Mason and I enjoyed every minute that he was with us!!

Ok, so, Angie and I could totally be on the show Girls Gone Wild because we sort of did. Sunday, Angie got her belly button pierced. I wanted to really bad but I chickened out. All day Monday I thought about it and tried really hard to build up enough courage to do it. Finally, at about 8:45pm Monday night, I said, "Let's go before I change my mind." I knew that if I at least got in the van with Angie that she would not let me chicken out. So, I got my belly button pierced!!

Then on Friday evening Angie and I both got tattoos. I already have one on my back that I got about 7 years ago. I forgot how bad it hurt! Oh my, I thought that I was going to have to squirm off the table and run out the door. I had my fists clenched and my toes curled. I was making some really ugly faces. I had no idea that there was surveillance cameras all around me. I really hope that no one was watching me for those 30 minutes.

Mason had a blast. His hair turned five shades lighter. He almost has white hair. He swam everyday and learned how to doggy paddle. He really looked like a puppy with only his little face out of the water.

Anyway, we had a great vacation! Now back to reality......


Jessica said...

I am so glad you had a good vacation. It is important to recharge every now and then. I am glad you are back, I missed ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Glad that you had a good time, but I'm even more glad that your back. I missed seeing my peeps!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew he would surprise you! Im glad you are writing again! I need to read your blogs!!