Sunday, October 29, 2006

I was reading a book today called "Peace Above The Storm" and I came across a story that really touched me. I want to share it with you.

"Grandpa George had a failing heart. It was so diseased , his doctor had told him he would need a heart transplant or die. So his name was placed on the waiting list for a donor. Each night his grandchildren prayed that if it was God's will a heart would soon be available for him.

Then it happened but not in the way anyone could have guessed or wanted. George's grandson, Scott, was an active teenage, who loved riding his motorcycle with his friends. Scott prayed daily that his grandfather would get a heart.

Then one day Scott became the answer to his own prayers. He was in a terrible motorcycle accident. His friends stood around helplessly as he lay on the payment, his body crumpled at an odd angle.

The ambulance soon arrived, its sirens wailing, and sped Scott to the hospital. Their tests revealed that though his heart was still beating, he was brain-dead.

Scott's parents raced to the hospital in shock. When they heard that his death was inevitable, they knew what he would want them to do. They signed a form releasing Scott's heart to his grandfather.

The surgery was completed within a few hours and in the following weeks Scott's grandfather recovered nicely. He told reporters, "I have a new heart, but it's broken."

Scott's grandfather lives each day to the fullest in honor of the gift his grandson gave to him. "If I waste this life, Scott's gift will have been in vain," he says.

What about you? Somebody died so that you could live forever. That's how special you are to Him. Don't waste His gift."


Carla said...

Wow- that was an awesome story. Kinda reminded me of sunday school this morning! I've been thinkin' about that all day. Maybe I should read that book...

Jessica said...

wow that is pretty powerful!

The Upper Room said...

excellent post Lori, we all need to realize the greatest gift that was given to us...all we have to do is fully accept's a touching story, but the last line is what got me.