Saturday, May 13, 2006

These pictures were taken at Green Meadows Petting Farm in Orlando, Florida
Have you seen a sweeter picture?

Yes, Mason is milking the cow!

Mason loved holding Rudy the Rooster


Angie said...

Mason milked a cow before I did and I am 35 years old. I'm not even sure I have ever held a rooster...
BTW, he told me all about milking the cow yesterday, pretty interesting conversation, I must say I was quite intrigued.

Sandy said...

Cute pictures! Noah wouldn't have touched any of those animals. I'm so glad Mason had a good time!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are adorable and I hope Aunt Brookie will be getting some soon. As you know my house looks like a shrine dedicated to Mason, so I need to update my pics. If I can't have him here with me, I can at least look at him everywhere I go. I love that little guy. Miss you guys bunche!
