Sunday, May 28, 2006

Is It Sinking In?

Anyone who is a parent knows that every decision that you ever make effects your children. Whether it's what they eat for dinner or what sort of discipline that you use. Something that I have always done is talk to Mason about God and Heaven. I have told him that Jesus died for our sins but to a three year old, it's confusing. I read him Bible stories whenever he will sit and listen, we sing children's praise songs and I take him to church every Sunday. These things have always been important to me. He thinks that Heaven is sorta like outerspace. He knows that PaPa is in Heaven. I have told him that he will see PaPa again one day when he goes to Heaven. But you never know if children as young as Mason are really soaking it all in until......

Bright and early this morning, Mason and I went for a walk. He was running and fell, resulting in a lot of tears and scrapped hands. Hardly bad enough to see but enough to upset him. I put a bandaide on each hand. He looked up at me with tears running down his face and said, "Mommy, will you please pray for my hands?" I knelt in the kitchen beside Mason and I asked God to please make his hands feel better. The tears stopped and off to church we went. Mason left the bandaides on his hands until we got to church. At that point he took them off, bowed his head and said, "Dear God, thank you so much for healing my hands so that I can play in children's church."

Is that not the most precious thing ever? What a great way to start our Sunday, with a small miracle from God! And confirmation that what I am trying to teach Mason is actually sinking in! Praise God!


Angie said...

That is the sweetest story I have ever heard!

You are doing such a great job with him! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a hard one to read aloud to someone else. I just tried to read it to your father and barely made it through it I was so choked up. That is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

who's yo momma?

Anonymous said...

He is a smart kid! You are doing great!!!

Anonymous said...

He is beginning to look more and more like you everyday! What a sweet face and an amazing story. You and Brett have done such an amazing job with him already setting the foundation for a wonderful future. He has two parents who love him dearly and are great role models. I am lucky to have such a special nephew who is loved by soooo... many!

Laura said...

Even if you don't think he is listening, it will sink in.