Tuesday, May 02, 2006

One Of Those Mornings!

I am having one of those mornings! You know the ones.... Wake up late....Rush! Rush! Rush! Mason wakes up super grumpy! "I don't want to go to school!" Spilled coffee on my pj's. Forgot to iron my skirt last night.. Now I'm even later. Ripley is running around the backyard, muddy and wet. Mason takes off out the back door to chase him. In the meantime, I spill water down the front on my white skirt. I ran back in to blow dry my skirt. Mason finally catches Ripley but in the meantime, he got his jeans all wet and dirty and I had to change them. Run out the door and break my nail getting in the car. I could go on but I'm sure that you get the picture. Once I finally did get in the car and backed out of my driveway, I had to laugh because my other option was to cry. What a morning!!

Since I left the house, my day has been better. Mason had preschool today. I picked him up, we met Aunt Angie at Pizza Hut for lunch and now he is at her house.

I hope that everyone reading this is having a great day. American Idol comes on tonight so I decided to blog early!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Girl, I have those days quite frequently. Noah does NOT like to get up in the morning much less do anything really fast. But gotta love 'em anyways! I swear I am late for work every single day but thankfully no one really notices. Whew!!! Good thing we work for family oriented people! :)