Monday, May 15, 2006

On Mother's Day at church I saw a glimpse of hope sliding down my brothers face in the form of tears. I will never forget the look of desperation in his eyes. I held him while he released tears that have been building up for weeks and weeks. He is fighting a battle that, by the grace of God, I will never know. Some people think that he is fighting a losing battle but those people obviously don't know my brother very well. I often wonder why God would allow such an amazing person to be trapped in an awful addiction. But I am beginning to understand why. God has a plan for his life that will reveal itself in the near future and we will look back and say, "So, that's why this happened". I may not understand. Mom and Dad may not understand. My brother and sisters may not understand. But all that matters is that God understands what He is doing. I look forward to the day when we can all look back.


Anonymous said...

what was he addicted to?

Laura said...

Lori, my birthday is on Friday, I will be 32. One fond memory I have of Bernie was when I was dating Bobby many moons ago and it was my birthday and I was feeling sad because of a fight or something I had with Bobby and I can remember Bernie trying to cheer me up by playing the "Happy Birthday" song to me on his saxophone. Just thought I would share that memory with you. I thought it was so sweet.

Sandy said...

A losing battle? What? I don't think so. Bernie is a fighter and a winner in my heart! He will defeat this addiction, I know he will. I love him with all that I am and I will continue to love him no matter what.