Friday, May 12, 2006

Is it a Dream?

Last night was a looooong one! Mason woke up about 1:15am, screaming as if someone had chopped off a body part. Of course, Brett and I both jumped up, although we didn't have to go far because Mason was in our bed. He just kept screaming about something hurting him. We kept asking what it was but he just kept screaming. His whole body was tense and his teeth were clamped shut. My first thought was that he was having some sort of nightmare. About 10 minutes later, he is still screaming, but manages to tell me that his foot hurts. His foot? Growing pains at three years old? So, I rubbed and rubbed. He still screamed. I got out the heating pad, put it on low. He still screamed. At that point I was saying, "Mason, wake up." He looked at me through his tears and said, "I am awake! My foot feels terrible!" I almost giggled. Anyway, I proceeded to the rocking chair and rocked like my life depended on it. He did eventually go back to sleep.....Until....

3:20am. Mason is screaming again. It was the kind of crying that makes him stop breathing for a few seconds. I was flipping out ya'll! I was thinking it was a dream until Mason asked for the heating pad the second time he woke up. Could he remember that if he was dreaming? So, he cried and cried. Tears were flowing! I looked at Brett and whispered, "Tylenol Suppository." Well, I learned real quick that Mason can read lips. I'm here to tell you that he jumped off our bed and fell to he floor. He was hysterical. I looked at Brett and said, "Forget the suppository. Go get the tranquilizer!" Of course, I was kidding but that is how upset Mason was. It took Brett and I both holding him down to give him the medicine. He sure did forget about his hurt foot for a few minutes. So, back to the rocking chair I went and Mason did eventually go back to sleep. He slept the rest of the night and is still sleeping.

He does this about every three months. The day after these incidents, he acts normal. We ask him if he remembers crying and he says he does. He even remembers that his foot was hurting. Night terrors? He acts totally wide awake while we are going through these fits. It is always his feet that are hurting. He is always fine the next day. Any ideas? Please share!!!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Wow! I am sorry that you guys had to go through that. I don't have any clues as to what that would be??? I can only come up with growing pains. Sometimes I wake up at night and either my leg or my foot is cramped up and it hurts like you know what. Let's just go with growing pains! :) He is a growing boy! Good luck with that...