Sunday, April 02, 2006


As I sat beside my brother this morning in church, I thought about how truly helpless we are to help the people that we love when they are hurting. Saturday was one of the longest day of my life but then came Sunday and Monday will come and on and on. Time doesn't stand still when we are struggling with daily problems. Even when we are struggling with big problems, time always moves on. But sometimes I wish I had a pause button. I would have used that button Saturday afternoon several times. But instead I park my car in a church parking lot and I prayed like I have never prayed before. I guess when you really think about it, that is a lot like pausing.

Today at church the sermon was about worry. Worry is a sin and man, am I a big fat sinner. I really am going to work on going from constant worry to concern. I am constantly worried about my brother. Not a day goes by that I don't worry about him but I need to realize that my worrying is not going to help him. What good will it do? It only causes me to get all worked up and what good am I to my brother then? I'm not going to lie to anyone and say that at this moment I am not worried about him but instead of dwelling on it, I am going to just sit here and say a prayer for him. I hope that everyone who reads this will stop and say a prayer for him. He needs all the prayers that he can get.