Monday, April 10, 2006

Yes, I am still here! I know that a lot of you were wondering if I was going to forget to blog again today. Here I am!

We had a busy weekend full of family, kids, and mostly sunshine! Saturday Mason and I went to mom's house for Little Bernie's birthday party. It was fun and the rain held off until after his party. We had tug of war, sack races, egg races, relay races and three leg races. There was a lot of laughing, some crying and even more sweat! The kids had so much fun but the adults did, too!! Tug of War was the funniest!

Things with my brother are okay. He has a dark look in his eyes. But I will continue to pray for him and I know that God will take care of him.

Mason has built a "fort" in our spare bedroom... pillows, chairs, blankets and whatever else he could think to include. It's amazing to watch his imagination run wild. He can be a pirate one minute and a ninja turtle the next.

Alright, that's it for now. Goodnight!!!

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