Monday, April 24, 2006

My Momma

I know that I have already blogged today but I really felt like I needed to do it again. I was with a super sweet friend tonight who said something that got me thinking. She said if she ever had to have another mom that she would definitely choose my mom. Of course, my friend already has a great mom and she can't have mine... Although I will share her a little! ;)

I just wanted to let everyone know that my mother is like no other woman in this world. She shows strength and wisdom in all that she does. Lately, as our family is facing trails and tribulations, she stands strong in her faith, never failing to amaze me. When I am facing a problem, I always think to myself, "What would my mom do?" I know exactly what she would do almost always and that's pray. So, first I pray and then I call my mom.

I owe heaven an unpayable debt for giving me a God-fearing mom. I find myself thanking God for giving me to her. There is no friendship, no love in my life that will compare to the way I feel about her. She is my rock! She understands how I am feeling without me having to utter a word. She can look at my face and see inside me. I know that in my life I can't always have happiness but I can always have my mom!

"Her children rise up and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28

See what my sister wrote about our mom too.


Anonymous said...

I've said the same time and time again about my utter mudda. She is one of a kind! Can you say.....How do you clone?

Angie said...

She is truly a picture of "Christ" for all of us! I too thank Him everyday now for choosing her to be our Mom. I honestly do not know of a more Godly woman than her! I can only pray that I can become half the woman she is!
We love you Mom!

Anonymous said...

Yep! That was me.... the super sweet friend! But what I said is true. She is definitely a wonderful person. She has taken me in like one of her own and I am very greatful for that. Thanks for sharing! (Keep coming back!) :)

Anonymous said...

you're very lucky