Thursday, March 30, 2006


I am very blessed to have a very smart son. He has always amazed me with the things that he says and the things that he knows. He started talking very early and he hasn't taken a break yet. When he was 20 months old, he counted from 1 to 10 and didn't miss a number. When he was 25 months old, he stood in our kitchen and said the ABC's perfectly. Now he is 3 and knows the Pledge of Allegiance all the way through. Of course, all mothers think that their kids are geniuses but this time, it's really true!!

As I sit and try to remember some of the things that he has said in the past, I am giggling. I should have written down every thing that he has ever said that was funny but I didn't. For soccer last year, he had to wear shin guards. He told me every day that he had a game, "Mommy, don't forget to bring my arm pits." He called shin guards arm pits. I have no idea why.

One morning, he told me that he woke up in the middle of the night and it was "super advanced darkness" so he went back to sleep. I woke up one night with him beside my bed saying, "BOO!" I was truly startled.

I could go on and on about Mason but he is standing right beside me talking none stop and I have lost my train of thought..... I better go listen.

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