Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Happy day after Labor Day! We had a pretty uneventful weekend of cleaning the house, painting furniture and painting the screened porch. Sounds like fun, huh? We did go in the boat with Amy and her family. It was really nice. We thought we were going to get rained on but the dark clouds went right around us, leaving us with sunny skies! Saturday night, we went to mom's for my dad's birthday party. It was crazy because we all have so many boys. Boys are so loud!!! Even when they try to be quiet, they are loud. But it was fun. There is nothing that I love more than spending time with my family.
Sunday night, we went to my in-laws house for dinner. It was really yummy. I got to meet Brett's Aunt Sandy for the first time. She is a super nice women with a really warm heart. She was so sweet. She met Mason and of course, she loved him! Who wouldn't love him?
Mason informed us on Saturday that he changed his name. He is now Ben 10. There is a new cartoon called Ben 10 and Mason decided after watching it that it was about him. So, right now, he is Ben 10.... silly boy!!


Angie said...

Sooooo LOUD! Boys...gotta love 'em though!

Sandy said...

Well, you make sure and tell "Ben 10" that his "other" Aunt Sandy said Hi! LOL! That little stinker! And yes, you gotta love 'em!

Anonymous said...

Hey, who is the cutie in the boat??

Lori said...

Tim and Cindy Gurley's little girl, Brianna. Isn't she adorable? Mason says that she is his girlfriend.