Today I am thankful. Thankful that I was able to get up and go to church. Thankful that my brother was there and sat beside me. Thankful that when given the option of going to church or staying home with his daddy, Mason wanted to go to church. Thankful that when Mason asked a slightly balding man at church what happened to his hair, that the sweet man was able to laugh about it. Thankful that even though mom has a broken foot, she was still at church this morning. Thankful for Ivette. Thankful that Brett did laundry this morning. Thankful for forgiveness.
I'm just thankful. What are you thankful for?
He is going to be such a ladies man in a couple of years! What a cutie!!
I am thankful that my nephew made it home safely today, and I am thankful that my nephew's mess is now cleaned up from my house!
What am I thankful for??? I am thankful most for my amazingly loving and handsome son! And my wonderful family! And Bernie (even though he is a major pain and turdhead most of the time)! And my great friends - yep! I'm thankful for friends like you! And lots of other things but I don't want to hog up your comment section... LOL!
Wow, I could go on and on about what I am thankful for, but I will keep it short and sweet. I am thankful for my loving and supportive family and friends, I am thankful for my wonderful and caring husband, my two precious furry children, my home, my career, and most of all for being blessed each and every day. And now I am thankful for carpet stain remover because as I was writing my comment, my precious furry child (Remi) decided to leave his breakfast on my new living room carpet. Gotta love children, furry or not!!
Wow!!!! Their you go again. Why you always wanna make me cry? But I can't ditto the feeling anymore times than I already have. I'm so thankful that you are a part of my life. And I'm not just talking small, tiny nail size piece either. Your a huge part. Other than you, I'm thankful to know that my husband loves me just as much as I love him, which is more than words can say. We should all be thankful, no matter the circumstances big, little etc.
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