Mason and I were eating dinner the other night and I noticed that he had his left hand, in a fist, on top of the table. I asked him why he was doing that and he said that his daddy holds his hand like that when he eats dinner. I have never noticed that Brett does that but sure enough, he does. Mason pays attention to even the smallest details.
Isn't that scary? No matter what we are doing, no matter how small the action may seem to us, our children are watching and learning. Mason wants to be just like his daddy, God help us, and he mimics all of Brett's actions. When Brett mows the grass, Mason is right behind him pushing his toy mower. When Brett weedeats, Mason is right behind him with his toy weedeater.
So, to all the parents or Aunts and Uncles, or whatever, watch how you act around kids because they are watching and learning.
This might be a dumb question, but is Brett a firefighter? It is so true about kids watching us! Brian eats his cake in a bowl with milk in it, guess who else does that? Yep, Konnor! Brian puts his ice cream in a cup and stirs it until it is a milkshake, Konnor does that too!
No Brett is not a firefighter. He works for the Government on base.
Isn't it amazing how kids pick up on every little detail. I have noticed that teaching K-5 especially. I can change my nail color or use a different color ponytail holder and they notice right away. I love it! Mason has a wonderful daddy as a role model "most" of the time, so if he turns out like Brett in the end I guess that will be ok. He is a good mix of both of you!! Miss you!
So true! And I have daughters so it's sobering to know they also emmulate me...it's so important to try to be a godly example. And I believe, when we mess up, like being grouchy or whatever, to apologize to our kids and admit our failings. This shows them that though they should try and "be good" God knows we're all not perfect and will forgive us if we are sorry.
Good reminder of how children look up to us!
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