Lately this is one of the short conversations that we have with Mason. "Mommy, I'm sorry I said a bad word." "Well, Mason, what did you say?" "I said shucks." "Mason, that isn't really a bad word."
5 minutes later......
"Mommy, I'm sorry I said a bad word." "What did you say?" "I said doodoo." "Mason, that's not really a bad word."
5 minutes later......
"Mommy, I'm sorry I sucked my teeth."
1 minute later......
"Mommy, I'm sorry I sucked my teeth."
5 minutes later......
"Mommy, I'm sorry I said a bad word." "What did you say?" "I said stupid." "Mason, please don't call anyone stupid."
I could go on and on and on. I promise that on that way home today, he apologized at least 15 times about something. Not long ago, Mason picked up a bad word from somewhere. We do not curse at our house so it must have been while we were out and about. Anyway, it was a REALLY bad word. I had a serious talk with him about how cursing disrespects God and that He does not like bad words or bad behavior. Now Mason thinks that every adjective that he uses is a bad word. God love him!
I do believe we had that same apology on Friday morning. Mason apologized for saying shucks and of course we forgave him, although none of us every heard him say a thing let alone "shucks". Maybe he was just thinking it. The mind of child! Isn't it something.
Lori, love the bag on Carolina Rags! :-) Mason just sounds silly to me. My preschool teaching experience tells me that it sounds like Mason is learning to initiate a conversation, and he isn't sure how to get it started, so he comes up with something to tell you so that you will say something back. Lots of times Mommas and daddys start the conversation with their little ones, by asking questions like "What did you do in school today?" But kids also have to learn sometime how to start their own conversations. Does any of that make sense? I know I tend to ramble sometimes... Love you!
As a toddler, my son would say, "Mama, I NOT say
s#i*!" and I'd say, "OK, good." He'd follow with, "s#i* is a BAD word!" Me, "Yes. We do not say it." Him, "Ok, Mama, I never ever say s#i* again. Even if grandpa say s#i*, I NOT say s#i*!".
And, of course, he said it 5+ times in about a minute!
(Happy Anniversary!) C
Gotta love him! He is so adorable! Noah says bad words too! It's hard not to laugh but being the parent, you have to try and maintain a straight face a keep your composure. It's hard! The first time Noah said a bad word.... I cracked up! I couldn't help it - it was too darn cute! I think he has said all the nasty words a time or two. I try to make him understand that those words are not to be said at all under any circumstances. Why can you say them Mommy? Shooont! I try to watch my mouth - but things tend to slip out. OOPS! Bad Bad Sandy! LOL!
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