Hello everyone! I just wanted to do a quick blog! I am totally going through bloggers block and try to think of things all day that I can blog about. Usually Mason is doing things that I can blog about but this week.....
He has swimmers ear! I took him to the doctor Monday and got some ear drops. He screams when I take his shirt off. He screams when I dry his hair. If I barely touch his ear, you guessed it, he screams. After 5 days of ear drops and no relief, we went back to the doctor today. We have new drops to try. Pray that they work. He can't swim for another 5 days and he begs all day long. Poor little fella!
Aunt Brookie hopes he gets to feeling better soon. Miss you bunches!!
Ahhh....poor little guy! Hope he feels better very soon!
Get well soon, Mason! Konnor had swimmers ear about 2 weeks ago, and now he has to wear ear plugs in the pool...
Hug Mason for me... But be sure not to touch his ear!!! I bet that is painful! Can you give him Tylenol or something for the pain? You think they could do something to help him.... Poor Mason!
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