I have a baby sister and her name is Amy.
I love her so much and if you know her, you don't blame me!
She has a sexy husband.... I like to watch him work,
Especially if I'm lucky and he peels off his shirt!
We really look nothing alike at all,
She's blonde, I'm brown, She's short and I'm tall!
She has two boys who are handsome, that's for sure
And if she takes off her glasses the world's all a blur!
We both have ghetto booty's that we are trying hard to lose,
She would lose hers faster if she would stop hitting her snooze!
She works at the Bank, I think she does something with loans,
But all I've seen her do when I'm there is talk on the phone!
Her hair sticks straight up like a porcupines back,
If you touch it you might bleed, and that surely is a fact!
She taught me how to knit while we were at the Snow,
She was really, really patient, row after row.
She does have blonde moments every now and then,
But all and all, she is one of my very best friends!
How sweet, I admire how close you gals are. You sure have somethin' special
When is Amy going to start blogging?
That was so cute and sweet. Love you girls!!!!!!!!
Dang it! I wish I had a sister. UGH! Instead I got my pea brained, mean and rude, stubborn as a mule, emotionless brother. What's up wit dat? But I love him anyways. So, would it be really weird if I made my mom adopt a girl so I could have a sister? LOL!
Awh! Who you callin' ghetto booty? You better watch out before I pass you up with WW!! Better yet, I'll just stay right behind you so you can pass down all the clothes that are too big for you now:) I am very lucky to have such wonderful sisters who care about me so much! I am a part of the best family EVER:)
I am so jealous !!!!! Y'all are too funny. I wish I had a sista'. Can we pretend ?
B-o-o-t-y. You girls do have some booty goin on now. Not sure where you 'em. Sure didn't get it from your little brother, but he could sure use some! Love your poem, it's too funny!
Yeah, he (B) sure could use some booty. Even so, he is still so very handsome... chicken legs and all! HeHeHeHe!!
Too cute! I love your poems (I love Amy too)!
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