For our 5 year anniversary, Brett planned a surprise trip that I found out about the day before. He gave me a suitcase and told me to pack enough for one night. "Where are we going?" "You'll have to wait and see."
Brett had already called and gotten me the day off, made arrangements for Mason to stay at his mom's house and asked Ivette to feed the dogs. Impressive, huh? I thought so. Anyway, he didn't tell me where we were going until we were on the way. He had a room reserved at the Victoria House in Charleston. Ahhhhhhh! Isn't he the best?
So, we checked into our room. It was a very charming room overlooking King Street. We walked and walked and walked downtown Charleston. We window shopped and walked through the market. Eventually we did make it back to our room for a nap. I am not a nap taker but let me tell you that I was so tired and slept for about 1 1/2 hours!
We ate dinner at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co. and it was really good! Then off to the movies we went and watched Click. Very cute movie! We had a great night just being together. I am the luckiest women around!
Now that is romance! Brian spoils me alot, but I wouldn't say he is very good a planning surprises. So glad your anniversary was special and that you have such a great guy because you sure deserve it!
Glad you had a good time! Hugs!
Dang, that's my kinda night! Sounds like you enjoyed your getaway! I'm glad! You guys deserve it! (So do I but it wouldn't be no fun going alone...) I'm so stinkin' happy for ya! Luv ya!
So glad you guys had a great time. I knew you would be thrilled with your surprise. Let me just say I knew about it on Wednesday. Ha! Ha! I love my brother. He is truly the best!
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