Brett and I have always, with the help of Aunt Angie, tried to teach Mason to say yes ma'am and no ma'am, please and thank you. Lately we have been trying to change, "I need to go pee!" to "I need to use the restroom." It's actually going really well. Mason thinks that stupid and beer are bad words. He'll be in his room playing, come out with his head hanging, and say, "I said a bad word in my room." He tells on himself, even if the word is something like dumb or retarded. It's not easy trying to raise a proper little boy but I think that we are doing rather well...... at least I thought so.....
Yesterday Mason says, "Mommy, I need to use the restroom." I told him to go ahead. He went into the bathroom and was in there for awhile. I asked him if he was done. He screamed, "DON'T COME IN HERE!" Of course, my mommy alarm went off and I opened the door. There stood my "proper" little boy with his head in the toilet, actually touching the water. He raised his head really quick. Water is running down his face.... not just any water.... TOILET WATER! I asked him what in the world he was doing. He responded by saying, "I really thought that I needed to wash my face." He could tell that I wasn't happy that he had done this. He grabbed a hand full of toilet paper and started to try to dry his face off. Now he has toilet water and pieces of toilet paper all over his face. At that point I started giggling and, of course, running for my camera. He was so embarrassed that he would not let me take a picture. Bummer, huh?
The moral of this story? No matter how proper and well mannered you try to raise your boys, they will still find the nearest toilet to stick their heads in!
By the way, yes, he had already flushed the toilet before he stuck his head in it!
What a beautiful boy!!! So sorry about his affinity for toilet water, but hey, he did flush first. Gotta give him credit for that. :)
What a trip! He is growing up way too fast! I hope we get to see you guys next weekend when you come down!
I would have loved to have been there for that one. I will have to keep the bathroom doors shut when you guys come to visit, just like a dog. (HA HA) Only 5 more days!!! Can't wait!
How silly! I have never had to deal with Noah sticking his head in a toilet. But there's a first time for everything!
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