At my nephews 6th birthday party, someone asked Mason if he knew a little girl named Jamie with blonde hair and a missing tooth. He thought for a second and said, "Well, there is a girl with yellow hair in my class but she stuck her big teeth out at me and I didn't see any loose ones."
This past week, Mason went to the bathroom to go potty. He was in there a few minutes so I went to check on him. We all know what happens when Mason is left alone in the bathroom for too long! Anyway, there he was standing in front of the toilet, going potty while reading a book. I asked him what he was doing. He responded by saying, "I want to be like my dad and read while I potty."
He is one big comedian! I love his sweet little smile! He can always make me laugh!
I always try to find new and creative ways to get Konnor to read more often, so I placed a basket in his bathroom of all his kids magazines. He thinks it's cool and I get peace of mind knowing that atleast he's reading somewhere!
He is definitely following in someone's footsteps. Watch out momma! Brett Jr. is on the loose.
You've got quite a comedian there!
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