Saturday, December 02, 2006

Last night while I was tucking Mason in, he was telling me about his day at school. He told me about the letters that he learned, the crafts that he did and about his friends. Then he shocked me with this, "Mommy, I told Henry that if he was a good person in this world that when he dies he will go to Heaven." Mason told me that Henry started to cry because he didn't want to go to Heaven without his parents. Of course, the idea of Heaven to a child must be sort of scary if they have never been to church and heard about how wonderful it is going to be. Mason told Henry that his parents could go to Heaven too if they loved God. Just as simple as that, my four year witnessed to another four year old.
Although Brett doesn't go to church with me every Sunday, we both agree that Mason should be raised knowing and loving God. Brett and I were both raised going to church and we want Mason to understand and love the Lord. Isn't it amazing that now Mason is telling other kids about Heaven and God? I am very proud!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! and you thought he wasn't listening :)

Anonymous said...

Little Mason just gave me chills!

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mommy! If only all mommies in this world would tell their babies about Jesus during their early learning years, just think how much better this world would be! It's sad how so many have to hit bottom to find Him.

Sandy said...

Awwwww, I am tickled pink! I'm proud of Mason too! I think Noah is getting the point of Jesus too! I can only imagine the conversations he has with his Dad about going to church and learning about God/Jesus... If only I could be a fly on the wall! Mason is such a smart boy! Good job Mom!

The Upper Room said...

A 4yr old evangelist...AWESOME!!!

Sometimes we forget that God can speak more clearly to the hearts of our children than we can.

Anonymous said...

I must second Erin's comment because chills are running up and down right now. You have such an amazing child and I have an amazing nephew. I agree that Mason should know God and you two have done a great job introducing him to that. Keep up the great work!! Justin and I have huge parenting steps to follow in :)