Friday, December 15, 2006

According To Mason.....

On the way home from school today, Mason and I were talking about Heaven. I'm not sure how the subject came about but it was priceless. I asked Mason what he thought was in Heaven. He answered, very matter of fact, "Well, there are little floors because you walk on clouds and we won't need floors. God's bedroom is on the left and mine will be right across the hall." He named all the people and animals that he knows are in Heaven, waiting on him. Buster, Sabre, Jackson's grandfather, Cooper, PaPa and his hermit crab. Then he asked me if the "real" Joseph would be there. I told him yes. He wanted to know if the real Mary would be there, too. Yes, she will I told him. He sat in the backseat lost in his own thoughts. Then he asked, "Mommy, were you there when Jesus died on the cross?" I told him no, I wasn't. He told me that he thought that PaPa was there because he was old. He asked me how Jesus died on the cross. I told him that some men beat him and he died. He sat looking really sad and then said, "Mom, did you know that when people die that their eyes stay open?" I asked him how he knew that. He said that he was at Mr. Asa's house and that he had an alligator in his freezer. He told me that the gators eyes were still open but he was dead. He told me that he thought that Jesus died with his eyes open so that when he got to Heaven, he could look down and see what we were doing. Sort of a morbid thing for a four year old to consider but it makes sense to Mason. Can you believe this kid of mine??? He is truly amazing!


Anonymous said... I am crying AGAIn! He is so sweet and imaginative! By the way...THANK YOU FOR THE BEAUTIFUL CARD!

Anonymous said...

Mason is one of a kind!

The Upper Room said...

It's amazing what kids absorb and how they put things together. He is very bright.