Saturday, August 09, 2008

Funny Things Mason Has Said Over The Years

1... Mason spotted a roach outside and screamed like crazy. He is terrified of bugs but this was beyond terrified. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "Mommy, did you see the eyelashes on that bug?"
2... The other day I dressed Mason in a sleeveless shirt. He looked at me and said, "Mommy, I love this shirt. This is my armpit shirt."
3... I told him that he looked really cute. He told me, "I don't look cute. I look awesome!"
4... He told me that I looked like Miss America. (Now that's funny!)
5... He told me that when he gets big that he is going to marry Miss America. He said that she was going to walk down the "hallway" at church and marry him with a skirt on her head.
6... Mason asked, "Mommy, who is God's Father?" I told him that God was the Father. He said, "No, Mommy, I know who His father is. It's the Creacher." When I asked him who the "creacher" was he said, "You know, the creacher who talks at church."
7... We saw a dead lizard in the road while we were walking. The next day it was gone. I asked Mason where he thought the lizard went. He told me, "The angels came down last night and threw it in the woods."
8... Instead of saying tomorrow, Mason has always said tomorning.
9... When kids are bothering Mason he says, "Those kids are begging on me."
10... I took Mason to get a haircut. When we got there he looked at the barber and said, "Please cut my hair. It's all jacked up!"
11... Mason is having a Luau at Preschool. He told me that he was really excited about going to his "hoot owl" at school.
12... When Mason was 2 we had to put one of our dogs to sleep. Right after that Mason told me that when he gets old like me that he was going to go to Heaven to see Buster.
13... Mason went to the dentist yesterday. I told him that if he didn't stop eating so much candy that his teeth would rot out. He told me that it was okay if his teeth fell out because then the tooth fairy would come and leave him money. He also told me that his cousin Jackson, 5, must eat a lot of candy because all his teeth are falling out.

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